Just had to show you what I pulled out of my clothes closet to get rid of. I haven't gone through my clothes in years. Do you know how much this was? EIGHT garbage bags full!!! I'd say one bag was some clothes of Beth's I had planned on ebaying when I had a chance, but the rest came from my closet. Just stuff I didn't wear because I didn't like it anymore or it was dreadfully out of style. I think my house feels lighter....
Oh, my goodness! I bet it is wonderful to walk into your closet now.
If you see Shane tell him thanks again from me! He help Bruce put the entertainment center together, which gave me time to clean the bathrooms, all the floors, garden (I put up edging, planted flowers, and put out more mulch), and I got to watch some of the U.S. Open.
WOW!! Great job, Ruth!!!! I am so proud of you! What a great project with great results and you will feel the benefit from it for a long time!! :-)
Congratulations!! What an awesome feeling...I just experienced the same myself. I feel like I can breathe in this house again :)
Good job!!
WOW!! That is a lot of stuff. Good for you. I've been getting rid of some stuff too. Probably more I should do. Be sure and read Big White Hat today. I think it will bless you.
I need to do that again, thankfully I did it about 3 years ago. What did you do with all that? Donate to the goodwill? You have been busy, now come and do my closet!!
Wow, good on you Ruth! I did some decluttering a while back, and it feels great once you've done it!
Wowza. That is a lot of clothes.
I bet it is a good feeling to clean out your closet.
I finally found time to post. You will have to check out my blog when you get a chance.
Oh, what a load! I did a little the other day and gave it away to a cancer research group collecting, but have more to do!
Blessings today!
Wow! what a job1 I've been looking at mine, thinking I need to jump in and get it done! You are in inspiration!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! I'll be back to visit again.
Wow! Now that's what I call decluttering. Good for you.
Good for you! I did that about 3 months ago, but I must admit, I didn't have quite as much as you do to pitch! I'm so proud of you. It's liberating isn't it to get rid of stuff!
I also wanted to thank you for your kind comment on my blog! Come on over for a visit anytime!
That's amazing girlfriend! I really really need to declutter more. I get rid of a few things and then collect more junk... then get rid of a few more things... then collect more... you get the picture.
How is your summer going so far?
Wow Ruth you have sure been busy but doesn't it feel good to have this project out of the way.
Have a blessed week.
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