During this time, I was telling my brother-in-law the story from 2 weeks ago about how Matt put a DS game in his shorts pocket and forgot about it. (They are very small.) I found it in the dryer AFTER it had been thoroughly washed and dryed. Guess what? It works just fine. I have been so impressed. He commented that it was probably because it had been dried in the heat that saved it. Hmmmmm....
We couldn't very well put the DS in the dryer. Where else could we get an intense heat source that wouldn't smash it to pieces? THE OVEN. Yes, we baked it. For 30 minutes at 175 degrees. Guess what? IT WORKS!!

Lessons learned today:
1. Do not take the DS into the bathroom.
2. When trying to salvage wet electronic products, use the oven.
I think I've created a very unique, yet valuable, lesson. Do you think I could get it published somewhere?! Or even better. Maybe I could start a recipe blog....
That's so funny, Ruth! What a great solution you found! I only wish that could have worked with my laptop when I spilled water on it... sigh! I did use a hairdryer though which kept it going for a week!
Hello! I found you through Cherish. . .
I have two cochlear implants and have a special "oven" or "dryer" that I have to put them in every night to dry them out from the dampness, etc. of the day. Once I got my cell phone wet (it was in my purse on a boat and a wave soaked my purse) and thought I would put it in my special dryer to see if it would dry out. Lo, and behold, it worked. I figured if the "dryer" (it's call a Dry N Store) is good enough for two $7,000 implants, it couldn't hurt a phone.
Maybe someone needs to make this "Dry N Store" in different sizes for gaming equipment, cell phones, etc!
Glad your oven worked, too.
Nice to meet you!
Oh you are so funny, Ruth!! What is it they say "Necessity is the mother of all inventions".
On your comment to my blog yesterday.....I have the same type visual....we attend a Church with a big overhead.....I think what would happen if everyone's true thoughts were flashed up on that overhead during a church service? I bet a lot of hearts would get right real quick....including mine sometimes. We all struggle with "taking our thoughts captive" but we must.
that's pretty amazing. i would have been hesitant to do such a thing but, hey, if you were going to lose it anyway. i bet matt was thrilled.
have a blessed sunday.
Yay! I'm glad it works! I'll have to remember that, should ours fall into water!
You are very brave. I don't think that I would have baked it. I'm glad that it worked out okay!
LOL, that is hilarious! I am glad that it worked though. Who woulda thought it? Good thinking, girl! I have a DS, so this is good to know;o) Glad that you were able to save it, that would have been a pricey mistake!
hummm....we "lost" a cell phone to a hot tub once....didn't think of a dryer/oven. Next time I'll know to try it...couldn't hurt huh?
Oh...I'm sharon...just happened by...
that cracks me up! I'm so glad all the pieces work!
My husband is famous for leaving memory cards (for his camera) in his pants. Those things are so little that I miss them frequently (I really only look for cash $$$ haha!) Thankfully, all have come out just fine, and smelling like Tide.
Hope you have a great day!
Thank goodness washing the DS didn't harm it.
So glad I don't have to worry about things like that going through the wash yet.
I've put tissues, chapsticks, money and things like that through the wash.
Oh my goodness, that is hilarious! I'm so glad that it works!
Thank you for sharing your very busy, but productive weekend with me, you got so much done!
Great tip - I'll keep that in mind!!
As for the * in the middle of words - I do it to keep those 'popular' phrases from popping up in goo*gle searches. I don't want someone to do a search for those biscuits and have my blog be listed.
Oh, I just love this story. Y'all are very creative. I heard that they make nintendo products as kid proof as possible. People have dropped thier DS's from very high buildings to test it out.
How was Matt's party? Sorry we had to miss it.
That is really good info! I wonder if I could have saved my cell phone after all. Probably not.
Hahahaha! This reminds me of my mother-in-love. She's always putting her cell phone on the back of the toilet. Yep, in it goes, every single time. I think after replacing it 3 times, she's finally decided it doesn't need to go in there with her! LOL!
I'm amazed that baking the electronics worked! I'm glad, as we just bought Alaina one, and they are not cheap.
I also wanted to thank you for your continued prayers for Jason and Christie. It has meant so much to our family, Ruth. :)
Thats funny,altho I'm sure it wasn't at the time.
We'll all have to remember that one.
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