Sunday, September 2, 2007

A Real Ebay Listing

A friend sent me this in an e-mail. It's an actual ebay auction that was put up on ebay when her kids sneaked a package of Pok-e-mon cards into her cart. It is hysterical!! All of us who has ever had to drag multiple children to the store will appreciate this.

I guess I'm on a blogging break. I am reading blogs, but I just don't have time to post much right now. I will be back with posts, though, so don't forget about me! I am enjoying everybody's blogs. Be blessed!!


Anonymous said...

I read it!!! Too funny...

Myrna said...


Anonymous said...

That is hilarious!! Thanks for sharing!

Take all the time you need! I personally have you on my bloglines, so I pop in when you post.

Have a great Labor Day!

Christie Belle said...

That is absolutely hilarious. The things you see on Ebay!!! Have a wonderful Labor Day, Ruth.

... said...

that was too funny. i bet she got a whole bunch of new readers to her blog through it. thanks for sharing.

Karen said...

Oh that is just too funny. And true! It's quite an adventure to take a carload of kids to the store.
You are a busy lady these days! Take care and Happy Labor Day!

Christie Belle said...

Coming back to answer your question...there are a set of military rules called OPSEC, that states you are not supposed to give, show, talk, etc. about unit information, names, and so on. And the other one was to black out our last name just for security purposes. Hope that answers your question!

Betty said...

Thank you for my birthday's been a wonderful day......

Please come again....hope school is going great....Betty

Susan Skitt said...

Enjoy the break! I'll be taking one after my daily walk through Proverbs :) Much fall projects and cleaning that needs to be done.

As for E-bay, my teenager just bought a Jeep! Yep, a real one. He won the bid and we traveled to Punxy, PA, the home of the famous groundhog Phil, to pick up the car. That was our first E-bay experience and now I'm wondering what I could sell.

Too bad I got rid of all his Pokemon cards...

Take care my friend and happy reading!

Susie said...

That's histerical! I hate shopping with the kids and I only have three. Don't think I'd want to eat pig brains though.

Beach Girl said...

Now that's too funny!

As for a break.....don't worry, we'll all keep checking in.


Susan said...

Not to worry, Ruth!!! You'll not be forgotten.

Lori said...

That is funny! I could see my kids sneaking something in the cart too.
I'm not about to pay $150 for Pokemon cards. Maybe $5 -$10.

Enjoy your break. You will be missed.
I understand as the beginning of the school year is so busy...I'm having a hard time finding time to post and visit everyone's blogs.

Christy said...

I miss your posts but I understand being busy!!

Jennifer said...

That was a GREAT read :o)

and my goodness... she made a whoppin' amount of $$$$ off those sneaky cards!

Lori said...

Just dropping by to say hello.

Hope everything is going well for you.