Wednesday, September 12, 2007

BEHOLD! She Posteth!!

I have a "thought for the day". As I was praying this afternoon, the Lord gave me this:

Lord, rewrite the thoughts of my heart so that my words may please You.


Momma Roar said...

And with such wisdom doth thou posteth!! :D

Karen said...

Very smart words, indeed!

Susan said...

I like that thought.

Ruth said...

LOL Leigh Ann! Thank you all for coming by. Little by little I'm trying to get back.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I stopped by!!!
Powerful words...

Lib said...

Just found your blog, I enjoyed visitning you.

... said...

you gotta listen to the big guy =]

isn't it amazing how he shines a light onto a dark place in our lives?

Jennifer said...

Ooooo I like it. I might borrow it for something that I'm working on for my Senior Girls for next week. I think I'll put that quote in the little box I'm making them. (I'll post pictures closer to next Wednesday when I finish them.)

Myrna said...

Good thought! Thanks for sharing it!

Christy said...

I love the title LOL.

I also like your thought for the day.

Anonymous said...

Some words are just worth the wait!

Susan Skitt said...

Straight and to the point. Amen, my friend. Blessings to you as you teach those precious children at school! What an important job!

Susie said...

That is beautiful!

Christie Belle said...

Oh, I like that thought too. Beautifully stated, Ruth!

Oh, and no story behind the horse picture, just thought it was cute, Alaina is in love with horses:)

Lori said...

So glad you posted. I've missed you too.
I too understand that the beginning of the school year is so busy. Hope all is going well for you now.

Thanks for visiting my site and commenting.
As you know I haven't found as much time to post nor comment.