Susan from Penless Writer has nominated me for this award.
It is described as: For those who answer blog comments, emails & make their visitors feel at home on their blogs. For the people who take others feelings into consideration before speaking out & who are kind & courteous. Also for all those bloggers who spend so much of their time helping other bloggers design, improve & fix their sites. This award is for those generous bloggers who think of others.
Susan so sweetly said this about me: "Ruth is another one that really deserves this Thoughtful award. All her posts are just that, Thoughtful, and her comments are always sweet and share in your feelings of your post. Ruth is also the one that first introduce me to Blogger Chick on her blog and I had to have one, too!!! Thank you Ruth for your friendship."
Thank you so much, Susan. I have loved getting to know you and all of your adventures throughout life. I greatly admire you and your blog, so the nomination from you is very special. Thank you for this award. I enjoy reading and commenting on peoples blogs, and I value the friendship of the people I have gotten to know. However, I, like you, have not been able to contribute to the technical aspects of blogs, but I'm still learning!! Susan, I must tell you that it was Lyndy who introduced me to blogchick.
I would like to bestow this award to EVERYBODY on my blog list. You are all very special. I feel so encouraged when each one of you comments on my posts. I've tried several time to "pick 3" or "pick 5", but I can't. You are all thoughtful, helpful, wonderful people. So, although it seems I'm taking the easy way out, I'm really not. I looked at every name on my blogroll, and each one of you deserves this. (If you regularly visit my blog and I have mistakenly left you off my blogroll, please leave me a note and I will add you.) Thank you each for welcoming me into your world.
Congratulations on your award, Ruth!! I always love visiting you here!
Congrats for sure! I love visiting your blog.
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