Sunday, July 15, 2007

Take a poll!

Leigh Ann from Momma Roar showed me the new poll option in blogland. Perfect timing! So, if you don't mind, feel free to vote on my side bar for the look of my blog. Do you like this new pink look or do you prefer my old subtle green dot approach? It's not like this affects the state of the nation or anything, but I think voting is fun!! Thanks for you input.


Kelli said...

I voted. :0)

Susan said...

I like the pink with your cutie pie Chick!!! Now I'll go vote. Where is my little "I voted" sticker? :o)

Susan Skitt said...

Pink is always pretty. What is it about us girls, even the former tomboys, who like pink?

Lori said...

I love the pink. I like the new look.
It's time for me to update my look too when I find time.

Just Mom said...

I actually like both, and I LOVE that music. :-D

Lyndy said...

Well, since I am a girly girl...I vote pink!

Connie Pombo said...

I love pink...(always have, always will). Did you you that if you wear pink, it takes 10 years off (so I have lots of it in my closet). You can't go wrong with pink...(there you have my vote!).

Ruth said...

Wow! I didn't know that! Bring on the pink!!!