Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday's Thought

This thought comes from 1 Corinthians 13 - the famous "love" chapter. This is a huge chapter that has so much in it - how do you touch it? Humbly I will point out a couple of things that struck me, knowing there is so much more!!

Part of verse 7 says: Love does not insist on its own rights or its own way for it is not self-seeking...
- For the first time I noticed that this continues on a theme I've noticed in 1 Corinthians about
the rights we have in Christ and yet it's those same rights we must lay down. When we lay
them down, more in concern for others than ourselves, this shows true love.

Verse 5 also continues: it (love) takes no account of the evil done to it
-Wow! That is quite a challenge to live up to!

Verse 7 states: ever ready to believe the best of every person...
-It struck me that when I think of this verse, I have always focused on that I should believe
the best of somebody who I could easily believe "bad" about for whatever reason. But, how
about that I should think the best of somebody who has thought bad of ME. Now, that is
much more of a lay down my rights to be angry and upset that they dare
accuse ME of something...and instead to believe the best in them. That is love!

1 comment:

Susan said...

I'm really enjoying your posts and commentaries Ruth. LOVE - oh to learn to love as Jesus does...that is our goal and The Word tells us much about "how to"....Ahhhh, but the doing!!! We press toward the mark of that high calling.